First I had to take a written exam which, I thought I had done OK on. But the skills exam where you actually perform skill on a live person, you only have 35 minutes to finish, was killing me! I kept worrying for two weeks that I was going to get one of the skills that I didn't want, I kept have trouble with it. Making an occupied bed. (Making a bed while the patient is still in it) I was so bad at it during the lab, because the sheets never fit, and kept slipping off. So, it was taking up all of my time. I had to perform 5 skills, including hand washing, putting on a vest restraint, grooming a patient, taking vitals, and of course making an occupied bed. I actually laughed at the examiner when she said it. She looked at me weird, and I told her why, but finished up with "how confident I was now". (yeah right) I kept praying quietly to myself and saying "Thank you" to God, each time the sheet would go in place.
The thing about it is when you are finished that is it, they say good-bye and you don't find out until next week. Well, of course, I called on Monday. I was so sick by then, it had been Saturday that I had taken my exam and I was dying, so the company said they would let me know that afternoon. I called back, and the lady there put me on hold for like 7 minutes, and it was killing me! She came back on the phone and said "Tina Burden?" and I said yeah, she "Congratulations, you passed!" I told the lady she gave me a panic attack. Not only did I pass, but I got a 91% on the written and 100% on the skills! Woo-hoo!
Now, I am waiting on an invitation in to the nursing program for May, if they still have spots available, if not August is the next class. That is OK by me, I am just glad that part is over for now.