One day about 2 1/2 years ago, Eric said to me "Mom, I've read more books than you have your whole life!" That one line got me to thinking about how right he was. That bothered me, since it was true. We would get these progress reports back from Eric's school saying he reads 190 words per minute. And that he retains what he has read, specific & detailed information that he can recount if asked. Eric loves to read. Plain and simple. Not only does he love to read, almost obsessed with reading, can't get enough of it, he is bothered when he has to stop to do something else. He reads an average of 5 books a week. Fact that he has read the Harry Potter series 3 times each at an average of 500 pages per book, finishing Deathly Hallows in just 2 amazes me! I could never figure it out, though, what the big deal was. I was never a reader, I didn't see it as enjoyable. When I was younger, Rocky would be reading a book and I would ask him about it, but I never thought to pick one up and find out what the big deal was.
About the same time Eric had said that line to me, one evening, Brent told me about a book he was reading that Chris Lawler told him about, he said he "couldn't put down!" He was so scared, and intrigued by the story, he said he felt as though he was right there in the room with the characters. He said, "Tina, you have to read this!" Finally, I agreed to. The book was called The Taking, by Dean Koontz.
Ok, so not only did this book scare the crap out of me, I was definately in the the room with the characters, and could not only see all that they could see, but smell all that they were smelling. It took me just 3 days to read it... on my lunch hour, the moment I got home, and every second I could in between. Great thriller!
When I finished The Taking, I went straight to the library (had to get a new library card, since I didn't own one) and checked out another book of Koontz's. Ever since then, I have been hooked. I love to read, it's hard for me to think of all the wasted time I have spent watching tv or doing nothing, when I could have been reading. Now, I see. Now, I get it. And I understand Eric's passion. What's more important, is that since I began reading, I am faster! Now, when I sit in class and have to read an article, or I am at home and I have to read 4 chapters, it is easier for me. I watch people in my class struggle to finish that same article I am reading or see them finish minutes after me, while I think to myself "maybe I skipped a page?" "why am I always finished first?"
A little lesson, huge reward. Brent knows that I have great potential and great skill, it's just applying them that will enable our family to do great things. I totally agree. I think I would be struggling right now, if I had to spend more time trying to just read a chapter, than just reading it and being able to retain it. So, thank you Eric, thank you Brent, and thank you Dean. You've made a world of difference and opened my eyes up to many exciting worlds!
Although, I have read other books in the last 2 years, I tell people, whenever I get the chance to find one of Dean Koontz's books, or ask them which have they read? I am hook on him! He is a fantastic writer, and I have enjoyed many of his novels, thus far.
Sterile. That's what it means. Don't touch anything outside of the sterile field, don't reach over the sterile field, don't breathe on the sterile field, don't even look at the sterile field. Did you wash your hands, and put your gloves on without touching them? Did you open up your kit, away from you, by only holding onto the corners? Did you? Did you tell the patient why you couldn't touch them? Oh, crap, my forehead itches. Too bad. Don't turn away, your sterile field will become contaminated, and then what? You will have to start this whole thing all over again! So, don't. Just don't.
I learned how to do my first Female Foley catheter insertion this week...I can tell you this much, I never thought in my life I would be looking at another woman's vagina, and saying "This is so cool!" But, that's me. And it is really cool to be where I am right now. I am so glad to have this opportunity. I am learning so much!Besides that fact that I have a few diseases, I'm pretty sure, and I definately have one sleeping disorder that I diagnosed myself with. And, according to Jared (who, might I add, asked for the church to pray for me because I "drink too much". Who, left out the "Pepsi" part for a few minutes.) I drink too much carbonated soda. I have a high intake of sodium which has left me dehydrated. ha ha. Er-go, I am trying to cut back for Jared's sake. Who's face I see, each time I open up a new can. We did invest in a new coffee maker recently, actually my mom bought it for us since she "accidentally" broke the other glass pot thing that holds the coffee. I have made good use out of it, starting at 7 am and also 7pm. As, I said before, sleep deprivation disorder...Hyperinsomnia. Anyhow...Doing well on Exams, but I have one last one this week tomorrow afternoon, so I have to get back to studying. Love hearing from you....Thanks for all the encouraging remarks!
Glad you are here! Please enjoy!
You know me...I am one to write as much as I talk, so please keep scrolling in case you missed something new...I tend to write a few blogs at a time!