Well, it has been a while, so I will try to recap.
"Soul Man Eric" is playing the trumpet still in two different bands at school. Jazz Band and 8th grade Band. He likes Jazz Band better, they have alot of fun! He is 2nd chair(good place to be) and loves learning how to be more soulful. Eric saved all of this birthday money (14 years old) and bought himself a Wii. Needless to say, he spends many an hour "working out" on it. On top of all of that he has a girlfriend. Yea, I know I thought the same thing. Of course, I layed down the rules and he said he knows and has already spoken to her. Letting her know and I quote "No sex. And we can't kiss for like 18 months." It speaks for itself.
Jared on the other hand just finished his first year in football, he is in Upwards, whic
h is a program through our church. It was only flag football this year, but leave it to Jared to gain penalties for tackling. (That's my boy!) He was also given a ticket to the Orange Bowl in Florida this year for his 10th birthday, which Brent just happened to go along for the ride! Cincinnati lost, but they and a few friends still had a great time hanging out in Lil' Havana where the sky is blue and the sun is actually shining!
Lucas is now 3 1/2 and world's of fun! He is definately still the baby of the family. Besides the fact that it sounds like he just sucked in Helium when he speaks, he is trying to be a "big boy" without losing all his "baby" perks. Mischeivous is not enough of a word to describe this kid. He can put a smile on like a movie star and sugar coat anyone with his charm. Trains are his thing, along with the movies "Cars"& "Kungfu Panda" and of course going into mom's purse and stealing anything that looks edible. He still walks with his hand on his skinny r
earend, to keep his pants from falling down when he runs. The picture to the right is when Lucas opened his first present after the boys opened theirs and stated in a very unhappy manner "CLOTHES?!"
Brent and I celebrated our Anniversary this January, yes 14 years folks! Time does fly when your having fun! We actually ate oysters for an appetizer, yum yum! Along with Salmon, Tilapia, french fries and zucchini! (Brent ordered the fries) We also shared a marvelous chocolate dessert that I couldn't finish until the next day. (It's always better when you wait!) I also bought him a new wedding band, that he has been asking for for 14 years. He never liked the one I bought him for our wedding, so I figured I would finally give in this year and get him a nice new one!
As for me, I gave up
Pepsi. Headaches, delirium, hallucinations, anger, withdrawls. Enough said.
Hope everyone is well...where ever you are...
Truth is, I didn't feel like writing about anything except for Rocky.Then one day, I was on the phone with my cousin Melissa, and she said something to me that made sense. It was something to the effect of one day I will be able to talk about other things again, write about things that aren't so emotional, or sad. Write about the kids again, or things that make me happy. Just get back to being me.Humph! It was sort of like a light went on, I was actually taken aback from it. Although she said this to me on Christmas, I have been pondering her words for quite some time. I actually thought where would I start? What would I write about? Would people even want to read what I wrote? I felt like for a while, with blogging, all I had was Rocky's story, and that's all that I wanted to write about. Because honestly, it helped me get through a tough time. It was sort of a therapy for me, to write the blog and read people's responses. It helped me stay connected to the people who loved him, who knew him and it also kept my mind busy. But, many days have passed, many thoughts have come and gone, many events have happened and I haven't taken the time to sit down and write a new blog. So, please forgive me if I am a bit rusty.I appreciate you for taking the time to let me vent. Thanks for reading this, too.
Glad you are here! Please enjoy!
You know me...I am one to write as much as I talk, so please keep scrolling in case you missed something new...I tend to write a few blogs at a time!