December 2, 2007

Yea! 25 weeks to go!

My 1st quarter is over and before you know it I am already into my 2nd! By the way I passed with flying colors, 3 A's & 3 B+'s (had to add the + sign) Here I am with some of the other students, just after our grades were posted! As you can see the smiling faces tells alot about how everyone did! Although, I have to report since we have started this quarter, we are down to 64/85 students to begin with.
Since we passed Pharmacology, we are able to give shots and pass meds to patients. I gave my first flu shots just a few weeks ago! Woohoo! Man it was fun! None of my clients made a wince. The key is to stick and stick it fast! Don't push the needle in a mm at a time. (Which is what I did witness from some of the students, they were nervous.) Our next clinical rotations will begin next week. We are going into OB, Rehab and the OR. Those should be some good times. Right now we are studying the fetal development & birthing process in OB, Cancer & HIV/AIDS in Med Surg, Anti-hypertensives in Pharmacology and Charting Documentation in Nursing Principles. My load is only 4 classes this quarter, but the exams are covering diseases more in depth, so I still have late nights of studying.
You would think with having 3 babies, I would know what the heck a woman's body actually had to go through just for the baby to come out safe & sound. But, man I am telling you there is alot more too it than you think. There is definitely a miracle happening every moment! With all the complications I had with each boy, I can't believe they don't have 2 heads or something crazy! Another issue that has impacted me is the HIV/AIDS patients. These folks suffer some great ordeals from the moment they are infected. In the U.S., most of the patients are men (from male to male sexual contact) which has given me a whole new outlook at homosexuals. It is hard as a Christian to
not look at their activities with disgust, because I do not agree with them. I think I am starting to feel more of a sense of compassion and sorrow for them rather than being appalled by their choices. Which is what I am being taught as a nursing student, that although, I may not agree with the choices that a patient is making, I still have to accept that they are a person. And every person to me is a child from God, that is what makes each one of us special.


The Richardsons said...

Congrats Tina! I know what you mean about the miracle of a growing baby, Troy has taken so many bio and anatomy classes he knows more about it than me and sometimes will explain things to me. I am always so amazed! Your experience with the HIV patients sounds so inspiring, what a blessing they have someone like you who will care for them and see them through God's eyes.

The Serons said...

Wow I really miss you guys. I am hoping to make a trip out in the spring. My brother Shane is in columbus and so is my friend Serena. Tina,
I would love to plan another girls trip only this time with Sarah and Melissa.
I am so proud of you and what you are accomplishing and most of all for the really great family that you have. You and Brent are good parents. I love you all and will keep you posted on my visit.

Aunt Laurie

Glad you are here! Please enjoy!
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