December 2, 2007

Yea! 25 weeks to go!

My 1st quarter is over and before you know it I am already into my 2nd! By the way I passed with flying colors, 3 A's & 3 B+'s (had to add the + sign) Here I am with some of the other students, just after our grades were posted! As you can see the smiling faces tells alot about how everyone did! Although, I have to report since we have started this quarter, we are down to 64/85 students to begin with.
Since we passed Pharmacology, we are able to give shots and pass meds to patients. I gave my first flu shots just a few weeks ago! Woohoo! Man it was fun! None of my clients made a wince. The key is to stick and stick it fast! Don't push the needle in a mm at a time. (Which is what I did witness from some of the students, they were nervous.) Our next clinical rotations will begin next week. We are going into OB, Rehab and the OR. Those should be some good times. Right now we are studying the fetal development & birthing process in OB, Cancer & HIV/AIDS in Med Surg, Anti-hypertensives in Pharmacology and Charting Documentation in Nursing Principles. My load is only 4 classes this quarter, but the exams are covering diseases more in depth, so I still have late nights of studying.
You would think with having 3 babies, I would know what the heck a woman's body actually had to go through just for the baby to come out safe & sound. But, man I am telling you there is alot more too it than you think. There is definitely a miracle happening every moment! With all the complications I had with each boy, I can't believe they don't have 2 heads or something crazy! Another issue that has impacted me is the HIV/AIDS patients. These folks suffer some great ordeals from the moment they are infected. In the U.S., most of the patients are men (from male to male sexual contact) which has given me a whole new outlook at homosexuals. It is hard as a Christian to
not look at their activities with disgust, because I do not agree with them. I think I am starting to feel more of a sense of compassion and sorrow for them rather than being appalled by their choices. Which is what I am being taught as a nursing student, that although, I may not agree with the choices that a patient is making, I still have to accept that they are a person. And every person to me is a child from God, that is what makes each one of us special.

November 23, 2007

Can you believe it? Eric is a teenager!

OK, so the fact that I have a son who is 5ft 1in tall, weighs 100lbs and is 13 years old shouldn't be a big deal right? Wrong! The fact that I have a son that is so great, smart, good looking and people think I am his big sister, is fantastic! But, the teenager part I am having a little trouble with.
Some of you may not know this...Eric came into this world after just 32 weeks in the womb.
At about 12 weeks along during my pregnancy a doctor said to me, the baby "is trying to abort itself". With many complications including bleeding, early labor, ruptured torn membranes (fetus still in amniotic sac, with little or no fluid), where I could place my hands on my belly and see the outline of the baby, 2 weeks hospital stay bed rest and pneumonia. At just 3 lbs 15 oz, Eric came into the world as a Little Old Man. No hair, eyelashes or nails. Wrinkly skin, with just enough strength in him to breath.
For some reason or another, Brent & I were so worried about Eric when he was little! I would almost say overprotective. (Not psycho, just wanted everything to go right for him!) God's plan is big for Eric, I have always known this. (I just wish God would have included me in on what it is) I can see Eric inventing something to save people's lives. I can see Eric creating a masterpiece for all the world to see. I can see Eric as a person that people
come to when the world is ending and there is no hope, just so he can tell them about Jesus. Man is this guy great or what? I am a bit biased of course. But, the point is this kid amazes me just with the words that come out of his mouth. You can tell by the sparkle in his beautiful green eyes, when he has an idea or thought. He wants to read & learn about everything.
So, when I think about that fact that Eric is only 13, already knows that he wants to go to the Air Force Academy, is teaching himself to speak Russian and play several instruments so he can teach other kids when he grows up, blows me away! I think to myself, here I am just starting school and this guy has already planned his future. As you can see I am having a hard time with the whole teenager thing. I remember being a teenager, I'll admit, I was bad. Talking back, giving attitude, arguing with my brother Nathan, and knowing it all were a few examples that I would rather not have to endure with Eric. Although, I would have to say a few are starting to creep out of him. I have to accept the idea that he is going to be one. It's not that I don't want all those things to happen, I just don't want them to happen so quickly. Especially when he says things like, "How old do I have to be when I get to move out?" And "What is an STP?" (He meant to say STD) So, I have to talk to him about STDs (because he read about them while at the doctor's office!) and of course this is why he is staying a virgin until he is 35.
But, what I was glad to find out when I had his friends over for his B-day party and Laser Tag, they were all as big of Nerds as he is! Yea, for me! I was rather impressed with the guys he has chosen to hang out with.
I know Eric will turn out great in the end, God willing. It's just watching him get there that is the tough part for me. Happy Birthday, Eric.

September 22, 2007

Never too late to learn something new

One day about 2 1/2 years ago, Eric said to me "Mom, I've read more books than you have your whole life!" That one line got me to thinking about how right he was. That bothered me, since it was true. We would get these progress reports back from Eric's school saying he reads 190 words per minute. And that he retains what he has read, specific & detailed information that he can recount if asked. Eric loves to read. Plain and simple. Not only does he love to read, almost obsessed with reading, can't get enough of it, he is bothered when he has to stop to do something else. He reads an average of 5 books a week. Fact that he has read the Harry Potter series 3 times each at an average of 500 pages per book, finishing Deathly Hallows in just 2 amazes me! I could never figure it out, though, what the big deal was. I was never a reader, I didn't see it as enjoyable. When I was younger, Rocky would be reading a book and I would ask him about it, but I never thought to pick one up and find out what the big deal was.
About the same time Eric had said that line to me, one evening, Brent told me about a book he was reading that Chris Lawler told him about, he said he "couldn't put down!" He was so scared, and intrigued by the story, he said he felt as though he was right there in the room with the characters. He said, "Tina, you have to read this!" Finally, I agreed to. The book was called The Taking, by Dean Koontz.
Ok, so not only did this book scare the crap out of me, I was definately in the the room with the characters, and could not only see all that they could see, but smell all that they were smelling. It took me just 3 days to read it... on my lunch hour, the moment I got home, and every second I could in between. Great thriller!
When I finished The Taking, I went straight to the library (had to get a new library card, since I didn't own one) and checked out another book of Koontz's. Ever since then, I have been hooked. I love to read, it's hard for me to think of all the wasted time I have spent watching tv or doing nothing, when I could have been reading. Now, I see. Now, I get it. And I understand Eric's passion. What's more important, is that since I began reading, I am faster! Now, when I sit in class and have to read an article, or I am at home and I have to read 4 chapters, it is easier for me. I watch people in my class struggle to finish that same article I am reading or see them finish minutes after me, while I think to myself "maybe I skipped a page?" "why am I always finished first?"
A little lesson, huge reward. Brent knows that I have great potential and great skill, it's just applying them that will enable our family to do great things. I totally agree. I think I would be struggling right now, if I had to spend more time trying to just read a chapter, than just reading it and being able to retain it. So, thank you Eric, thank you Brent, and thank you Dean. You've made a world of difference and opened my eyes up to many exciting worlds!
Although, I have read other books in the last 2 years, I tell people, whenever I get the chance to find one of Dean Koontz's books, or ask them which have they read? I am hook on him! He is a fantastic writer, and I have enjoyed many of his novels, thus far.

September 13, 2007

Surgical Asepsis, Don't touch anything!

Sterile. That's what it means. Don't touch anything outside of the sterile field, don't reach over the sterile field, don't breathe on the sterile field, don't even look at the sterile field. Did you wash your hands, and put your gloves on without touching them? Did you open up your kit, away from you, by only holding onto the corners? Did you? Did you tell the patient why you couldn't touch them? Oh, crap, my forehead itches. Too bad. Don't turn away, your sterile field will become contaminated, and then what? You will have to start this whole thing all over again! So, don't. Just don't.
I learned how to do my first Female Foley catheter insertion this week...I can tell you this much, I never thought in my life I would be looking at another woman's vagina, and saying "This is so cool!" But, that's me. And it is really cool to be where I am right now. I am so glad to have this opportunity. I am learning so much!
Besides that fact that I have a few diseases, I'm pretty sure, and I definately have one sleeping disorder that I diagnosed myself with. And, according to Jared (who, might I add, asked for the church to pray for me because I "drink too much". Who, left out the "Pepsi" part for a few minutes.) I drink too much carbonated soda. I have a high intake of sodium which has left me dehydrated. ha ha. Er-go, I am trying to cut back for Jared's sake. Who's face I see, each time I open up a new can. We did invest in a new coffee maker recently, actually my mom bought it for us since she "accidentally" broke the other glass pot thing that holds the coffee. I have made good use out of it, starting at 7 am and also 7pm. As, I said before, sleep deprivation disorder...Hyperinsomnia. Anyhow...Doing well on Exams, but I have one last one this week tomorrow afternoon, so I have to get back to studying. Love hearing from you....Thanks for all the encouraging remarks!

August 26, 2007

2 weeks down 38 to go!

Phew!! Well, my first two weeks of nursing school have passed! I am still alive! I haven't cried yet, although I think I may have chronic heartburn from anxiety! These were definately the hardest weeks I have ever had to endure. With reading, memorizing, writing, lecturing and sitting all week, my body is tired by Friday night! I am currently taking Anatomy & Physiology (A&P), Nursing Principles (Theory), Clinical Calculations (Drug Math), Pharmacology, Mental Health and Nutrition. I have a small rolling suitcase that I wheel along with my lab kit (full backpack), lunch and purse, I am exhausted just getting to and from my car. I have 12 books that I have to keep with me at all times, so I put a crate in my van for an occasion, they want me to go get one. I pretty much get a break every 90 minutes or so, to stretch, but it is hard to sit in the seats for that long. My butt is conforming to the shape of the chair. I have decided to take short walks during my breaks, while 1/2 the rest the class is out smoking. One of the other students actually stopped by on lunch, in her car, to see if I needed a ride since I was walking a lap around the parking lot. But, I do it so I can keep my metabolism high, and not gain weight, as they warned us about on the first day. (I am the only one who walks.) There are 85 of us in the program for August which runs until June 6th (graduation). Down to 84 this week. I will be graduating with my GPN (Graduated Practical Nurse) until I pass state boards N-CLEX, and then I will be an LPN. For now my title is SPN (student practical nurse). Please keep me and our family in your prayers, because this will be the hardest thing I will have to do I think ever. (Until I go for my RN later, but even that is suppose to be a piece of cake compared to this program.) For now, we are dealing with juggling schedules, meals, homework and family time. The boys start school this week so this will be different all around. Pray for Brent, he is taking on quite a load and is a huge support & kudos giver. Pray for Eric, he's a live-in babysitter and gopher. Pray for Jared and Lucas who would love to have more of my attention. Pray for me, that I will be able to keep all things in perspective, that I remember God is great & I know He has wonderful things in store for me and for energy!
FYI- I have done great on all my quizzes so far! Keep you posted when I can!

June 3, 2007

Dad & Mom visit

Brent, his dad Elbert and my dad Rocky

Lucas, Eric & Jared

My mom and dad came out to visit a few weeks ago, it was great! The boys were so excited to see them! They could only stay a few days, which actually felt more like hours to me. We tried to make the most of it by going to the National Underground Railroad Museum in Cincinnati and just hangin' out around the house. We celebrated Lucas' 2nd birthday, went to Eric's last school concert and ate at White Castle. They were gone before we knew it!

Lucas & Papa

Mom & me

Grandma Mary's Fruits & Wine painting

I remember seeing this painting in my Grandma Mary's house as I was growing up. She had painted it circa 1975. Initially, this painting had been given to me by Larry, after my Grandpa Larry passed away. But at the time, we lived in a small apartment, and had no where to hang it. I asked Larry to keep it for me. Some years later, my uncle Raymond had it hanging in his house and some how found out that it was mine. My uncle Raymond was nice enough to let go of this precious family heirloom and present it back to me at my brother Nathan's wedding. Since then, I have kept it up as to not get it damaged. Recently, Brent was kind enough to take it to a framing store where they took very good care of it, cleaned and re-framed the painting to my delight! I chose an older rustic looking frame, to go with the Spanish style of the picture. We also painted our dining room a deep red to with the colors of the pitcher and background in the painting. Click on the painting to see it up close and scroll over to see her signature at the bottom. I think it looks fantastic!

There's a tree on our house!

Yeah, that's right, a 60 foot tree on top of our house! There was a huge storm and it blew so hard that a tree that was on the bed of our creek, fell from the pressure ripping the roots up and landing the tree on the second story of our house! It sort of laid on our house really, since it, Thank God, didn't go through the roof.

But, as you can see, it was just a few feet from the first story which, is exactly where Brent and I were when the tree fell. We were watching a very funny movie(The Holiday), and had to with regret, resume it at a later time. Not much damage to the house except some of the eaves and gutters were broken and our bridge flipped over, unlike our neighbors down the street whose tree fell through their kitchen and bathroom.

Tootin' his horn!

Eric just graduated from 6th grade, at the beginning of the year he picked up an instrument for the first time. Brent asked him why he chose the trumpet, saying "Don't tell me it's because you want to play "TAPS"." Eric looked at him without saying anything, and we knew that was his answer. From that point on, he has been enjoying every minute of lessons, class time and practicing. He absolutely loves music! He goes to bed with classical music playing in the background every night. It helps him relax that machine brain of his, so he can finally fall asleep! By the second concert of the year he was moved to 1st chair, which is a big deal, it means he is doing very well and his teacher Mr. Ling is blown away! He was shocked that this was the first time Eric ever played an instrument. Along with the trumpet, Eric has taught him self to play the piano (still learning, he practices after his trumpet), and has just recently picked up our acoustic guitar. He has a great ear for this stuff!

March 31, 2007

I passed!

I have been taking some pre-nursing courses since January, in order to get in to the LPN/LVN program here. My really big worry was to pass the state exam with three examiners watching me.(4 hours long) Man, was I nervous! (Some of the other students with me kept saying they had to throw up!) I didn't thank, God!
First I had to take a written exam which, I thought I had done OK on. But the skills exam where you actually perform skill on a live person, you only have 35 minutes to finish, was killing me! I kept worrying for two weeks that I was going to get one of the skills that I didn't want, I kept have trouble with it. Making an occupied bed. (Making a bed while the patient is still in it) I was so bad at it during the lab, because the sheets never fit, and kept slipping off. So, it was taking up all of my time. I had to perform 5 skills, including hand washing, putting on a vest restraint, grooming a patient, taking vitals, and of course making an occupied bed. I actually laughed at the examiner when she said it. She looked at me weird, and I told her why, but finished up with "how confident I was now". (yeah right) I kept praying quietly to myself and saying "Thank you" to God, each time the sheet would go in place.
The thing about it is when you are finished that is it, they say good-bye and you don't find out until next week. Well, of course, I called on Monday. I was so sick by then, it had been Saturday that I had taken my exam and I was dying, so the company said they would let me know that afternoon. I called back, and the lady there put me on hold for like 7 minutes, and it was killing me! She came back on the phone and said "Tina Burden?" and I said yeah, she "Congratulations, you passed!" I told the lady she gave me a panic attack. Not only did I pass, but I got a 91% on the written and 100% on the skills! Woo-hoo!

Now, I am waiting on an invitation in to the nursing program for May, if they still have spots available, if not August is the next class. That is OK by me, I am just glad that part is over for now.

March 3, 2007

Record Breakers!

Can you believe it? Brent and I celebrated our 12th Anniversary this January!

Here we are in Dinosaur National Park in Southern Utah.
Eric took this photo of us together. I realized it is one of the few photos Brent and I have together. Usually they are of one or the other, or of the boys.
I love this photo because, we had such an awesome week spending it together hiking, sightseeing and playing in the river!

February 22, 2007


Lucas can't seem to get the word "snow" down so he says "no" in a sweet voice when he is outside playing. He doesn't really know what to think about it, he says "cold", but doesn't want to seem to keep his gloves on. We got dumped on last week, with about 6 inches!

February 21, 2007

Our Three Boys!

Here's the most recent photo of all three boys together. Eric is now 12, Lucas 21 months and Jared just turned 8. Eric is so tall now and wears a size 9 in men's shoes. Lucas has gotten so big, he runs and jumps everywhere, and only weighs 25 lbs. Jared of course is unstoppable, losing 3 teeth last week, one from a wrestling match with Eric.

As you can see, they all look different from each other.
Eric: Green eyes, dirty blond hair
Lucas: Blue eyes, reddish brown hair
Jared: Brown eyes, brown hair

Glad you are here! Please enjoy!
You know me...I am one to write as much as I talk, so please keep scrolling in case you missed something new...I tend to write a few blogs at a time!