2 weeks down 38 to go!
Phew!! Well, my first two weeks of nursing school have passed! I am still alive! I haven't cried yet, although I think I may have chronic heartburn from anxiety! These were definately the hardest weeks I have ever had to endure. With reading, memorizing, writing, lecturing and sitting all week, my body is tired by Friday night! I am currently taking Anatomy &
Physiology (A&P), Nursing Principles (Theory), Clinical Calculations (Drug Math), Pharmacology, Mental Health and Nutrition. I have a small rolling suitcase that I wheel along with my lab kit (full backpack), lunch and purse, I am exhausted just getting to and from my car. I have 12 books that I have to keep with me at all times, so I put a crate in my van for an occasion, they want me to go get one. I pretty much get a break every 90 minutes or so, to stretch, but it is hard to sit in the seats for that long. My butt is conforming to the shape of the chair. I have decided to take short walks during my breaks, while 1/2 the rest the class is out smoking. One of the other students actually stopped by on lunch, in her car, to see if I needed a ride since I was walking a lap around the parking lot. But, I do it so I can keep my metabolism high, and not gain weight, as they warned us about on the first day. (I am the only one who walks.) There are 85 of us in the program for August which runs until June 6th (graduation). Down to 84 this week. I will be graduating with my GPN (Graduated Practical Nurse) until I pass state boards N-CLEX, and then I will be an LPN. For now my title is SPN (student practical nurse). Please keep me and our family in your prayers, because this will be the hardest thing I will have to do I think ever. (Until I go for my RN later, but even that is suppose to be a piece of cake compared to this program.) For now, we are dealing with juggling schedules, meals, homework and family time. The boys start school this week so this will be different all around. Pray for Brent, he is taking on quite a load and is a huge support & kudos giver. Pray for Eric, he's a live-in babysitter and gopher. Pray for Jared and Lucas who would love to have more of my attention. Pray for me, that I will be able to keep all things in perspective, that I remember God is great & I know He has wonderful things in store for me and for energy!FYI- I have done great on all my quizzes so far! Keep you posted when I can!
Glad you are here! Please enjoy!
You know me...I am one to write as much as I talk, so please keep scrolling in case you missed something new...I tend to write a few blogs at a time!
Hey Tina,
WOW! You are amazing! Congrats on doing something so difficult! Praying all the hard work will bring you future blessings. Enjoyed reading about the family...we miss you all...our families are growing up! Sherri and Tim
Hi Tina,
You can do this, you can, you can!
I'm your cheerleader, like you were for Nathan when he ran around the palm tree a thousand times for a hundred dollars. He did it, and you can also. Love, Mom
Hi Tina,
WE ARE ALL HERE CHEERING FOR YOU!!! Keep it up. You can do it.
Nate ran a thousand times for a $100???
You can do it Tina! Wow, I can't imagine doing all that with just Aliyah, much less 3 kids to care for! We will definately keep you and the boys and Brent in our prayers and I know God will bless you for sacrificing so much for your family. Good luck!
P.S. That is hilarious about Nathan and the tree! Did he throw up after?
great job!!!!!
Well I can no longer complain about my A&P class with only 7 books, keep on working hard girl and you will be happy you did it. Brent it makes all the difference that you are supporting her plus when she brings home a fat paycheck that will help. I will pray for all of you and in the end you will know it was worth it.
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