September 10, 2008
Rocky and me
Times have changed...but, it's still the same ol' me. And it's still the same ol' Rocky.
My mom sent this photo to me a few months back and I remembered it when the accident happened. This is actually how I see Rocky when I think of him. Maybe because this is how he looked when we first met, so it's burned into my thoughts. We are both so goofy, too. It makes me laugh. I remember telling someone one time that "I got my sense of humor from him." Funny, I don't have his DNA. But that's not what makes up a "dad" anyway, right?

August 23, 2008
Lucas "Lucky" Burden
- Bit his tongue, too which he kept biting over and over.
- Fell down carpeted flight of stairs, followed by a welt on his hip.
- Stuck key in outlet, to his dismay, it wasn't as fun as it looked!
- Scraped big toe playing with his brothers on the porch.
- Scraped his knee up, he didn't realize playing with hot wheels could be so dangerous!
August 18, 2008
Where shall I start?
Quick update...I finally graduated from nursing school in June, with academic achievement, might I add. Hey, I have never been on the honor roll my whole life, let me enjoy this! A position opened up at my work for full-time nights working as a nurse in the rehab unit. So, basically I take care of people that have had surgery, don't need to be in the hospital, but aren't quite ready to go
home on their own yet. It's just about 15 minutes from our house, which is not bad, except for coming home at 7:30 in the morning. It is funny to see my neighbors getting into their cars as I am pulling up and getting out of mine. So far, the night thing is working out, except for my internal clock is all outta whack! Don't get me wrong, I love sleeping in, but it is hard to fall asleep at night while everyone else is. So, I am still trying to figure that part out on my days off. I have room darkening curtains which helps. Thank God, Costco sells Starbucks coffee, so I grind my own beans at home.
My mom was able to make it out for my graduation and ended up staying for a week, during that time we went camping and had a wild time in the rain! ha ha!
It was a muddy couple of days, but we have boys so we just rolled with it! As you can see Eric has passed up Grandma Linda by a inch or two.
By the way, keep me in your prayers, I was kicked in the left shoulder in May, by a dementia patient and tore a small part of my rotator cuff. I was given a cortisone shot, between my shoulder blades!!, after a few weeks of not being able to use it totally. The shot took a few days to feel better, it was like getting his by a bat in that arm for days. But, for the last 7 weeks or so, I have felt better until about a night ago. I just pray that I don't have to keep doing this. I started back to the gym, against my will, might I add-thanks Brent, and it was inflammed after the workout class. I am trying to use it , but trying to baby it at the same time. Although, the Dr. wants me to workout to strengthen it, I am a sissy. So, for now, I am building up to full use again, I hope. Keep me in prayer.
Just a quick tid-bit, somewhere along the line, I forgot to mention it was Lucas' 3rd birthday in May. I made him a cupcake filled #3. He is 31 inches tall and weighs 32lbs. Loves to play with Thomas the tank engine, cars, rocks and eat as many strawberries he can get his hands on. Oh,
and he can talk your ear off! (I don't know where he got that from, of course.)

Our niece Miranda was on leave from the Army for two weeks, she was able to spend some time with us at Kings Island and just hanging out not being a soldier. She just graduated as an Army Medic and is now on her way to Georgia to continue school as an LPN. We won't be able to see her until Christmas, boo-hoo. But, she is in great hands and loves every minute of it!
In the meantime, the weeks have gone fast for the boys as Eric & Jared are out for the summer and counting the days 'til they have to return. Not, that they want to go, they are just counting them, as if their days were numbered. Eric will be entering 8th grade, Jared 4th
. Jared just started Upward football(flag) through our church and is really excited. Eric on the other hand has only played football on PS2. Although, Brent bought season tickets to the Cincinnati Bearcats football this year, and he will have to endure 9 games this season live. Eric would rather call the plays than actually execute them. Jared of course, had to be convinced that football with pads isn't as dangerous as flag. He wanted to play with pads so bad, but we didn't know if he was ready just yet. So, with that said he is happy to hear that with flag he could get hurt more, go figure.

This summer we also had some great friends of ours move to Virginia. Tina and Chris and their 4 boys (of course we got along great!) moved to be closer to family, due to some recent hard times they have faced. We are going to miss them everyday, our boys are sad this summer since we spent most of last summer together.
Good news, we bought a new car! It is a Chevy Malibu, black w/ gray interior and sweet as can be! This baby is so quiet and handles like a race car around corners. I know everyone loves that new car smell! FYI-This is only our 2nd new car since the birth of Eric. So, I was very happy to get it! And it comes with OnStar, which is so fun to call them and play with.

Brent wouldn't have wanted me to tell you, but he is #1 in his district for kitchen design sales and overall for the year. Just had to let you know how proud I am of him.
Well, I think I have touched base on all I can think of for now. Drop me a line... tina
My mom was able to make it out for my graduation and ended up staying for a week, during that time we went camping and had a wild time in the rain! ha ha!
By the way, keep me in your prayers, I was kicked in the left shoulder in May, by a dementia patient and tore a small part of my rotator cuff. I was given a cortisone shot, between my shoulder blades!!, after a few weeks of not being able to use it totally. The shot took a few days to feel better, it was like getting his by a bat in that arm for days. But, for the last 7 weeks or so, I have felt better until about a night ago. I just pray that I don't have to keep doing this. I started back to the gym, against my will, might I add-thanks Brent, and it was inflammed after the workout class. I am trying to use it , but trying to baby it at the same time. Although, the Dr. wants me to workout to strengthen it, I am a sissy. So, for now, I am building up to full use again, I hope. Keep me in prayer.
Just a quick tid-bit, somewhere along the line, I forgot to mention it was Lucas' 3rd birthday in May. I made him a cupcake filled #3. He is 31 inches tall and weighs 32lbs. Loves to play with Thomas the tank engine, cars, rocks and eat as many strawberries he can get his hands on. Oh,
Our niece Miranda was on leave from the Army for two weeks, she was able to spend some time with us at Kings Island and just hanging out not being a soldier. She just graduated as an Army Medic and is now on her way to Georgia to continue school as an LPN. We won't be able to see her until Christmas, boo-hoo. But, she is in great hands and loves every minute of it!
This summer we also had some great friends of ours move to Virginia. Tina and Chris and their 4 boys (of course we got along great!) moved to be closer to family, due to some recent hard times they have faced. We are going to miss them everyday, our boys are sad this summer since we spent most of last summer together.

Brent wouldn't have wanted me to tell you, but he is #1 in his district for kitchen design sales and overall for the year. Just had to let you know how proud I am of him.
Well, I think I have touched base on all I can think of for now. Drop me a line... tina
April 24, 2008
NYC for the weekend!
Brent surprised me with tickets to NYC!
We spent the weekend at my cousin Daniel's place, hanging out with him and his bro Joe!
We had a great time, but it went by to fast! Talk about a New York minute! I had to keep
up just to not get hit by traffic. If you want to make it across the street, you better be off the curb before the light turns green! Which was not easy for me, of course, Brent
went right with it-no problem stepping out in front of taxi's. I had to hurry my short little legs just to keep up with him and Dan! We tried to take in all the sites, the building were huge! Trying to figure out the subway system wasn't too bad- Dan
quizzing me to see if I knew the next stop, he was impressed, not realizing I had studied the whole map!
On Friday, Daniel took us to a place called HK for lunch, great food- We ate "Hummus & something else" served with pita bread. After all the walking around Manhattan & Times Square, we were tired and took a nap to restore our energy for that night! Dan invited us to his friend Andy's
which was on the 46th floor for a late dinner- 11pm! Daniel made a delicious Chinese dish while we enjoyed seeing the entire city from their full window lined apt. The view was amazing & breath taking to say the least! Joe showed up with his girlfriend Maria and we had so much fun late into the morning! Saturday turned out to be the longest day I have ever experienced on a trip! We hopped on the subway to Ground Zero-building the Freedom Tower, saw the Statue of Liberty from afar(ferry line was 3 hrs long), went to Battery Park,
then we walked all over the city & Central Park, met Joe for lunch in the "Upper East Side",
shopped on 5th Avenue and then saw a 3 hr show on Broadway called August:Osage County! Man, Brent and I had never walked so much in our lives! My legs would hardly work on Sunday! But, that didn't matter- We started off having "a slice" for breakfast (that's pizza for the lay-man), then visiting a flea market of antiques, before meeting up with Joe & Maria for lunch-well actually tiramisu & chocolate mousse. Great idea, Maria! (Our trip was mainly focused on eating as you can tell-but with all that walking who wouldn't work up an appetite?) We spent the rest of our afternoon shopping in China Town and Little Italy, where of course we had lunch again! Man what a weekend! Brent & I ended up taking the late train back to the airport, and getting home through the rain at 2am Monday morning. Needless to say showing up at school at 8am was rather difficult! But, boy did we have a blast!
On Friday, Daniel took us to a place called HK for lunch, great food- We ate "Hummus & something else" served with pita bread. After all the walking around Manhattan & Times Square, we were tired and took a nap to restore our energy for that night! Dan invited us to his friend Andy's
March 25, 2008
Time flies...just 10 weeks to go!
It's amazing how I look back at August and said to myself this will be a long program! But here I am down to just 10 weeks left and can't quite believe it is almost over. Rather sad, actually. With all the hours, pages, exams, papers and time spent in clinicals you would think I might want to be rid of it. But, as I realize my time in school is just mere few weeks from being over, I feel a little like I am losing something. Now that sounds weird, even for me. But, I guess you complain because it's too hard, too much to know or because I am just too tired. But, it's also like when you are reading a great book and you realize you are almost finished with it. Although, you want to know the rest, you don't want it to end. I have had so many great escapades in my story! From speaking Spanish on the OB unit, when no one else could. (Huevos, or is it Ojos?) Getting my first stick of an I.V. holding a man's hand twice my size, Watching a young woman go through advanced radiation treatment to save her breast, Seeing a brain tumor found on MRI, and seeing how Diabetes affects almost every patient I've worked with. These are just a few of the many great people I have come to meet on my short journey so far. Along with all my class mates, of whom some were not so fortunate to make it to the next quarter with us this time, I have had a great time. I would have to admit, some of my time has been rough, especially when my program consists of 95% women. Estrogen blows Testosterone right out of the water! That has been one of my biggest challenges. I am not trying to be number one, but I don't feel that "just passing" is for me. So, I have worked hard to stay above, and have bumped some heads along the way. But, I have also remembered that all of us have sacrificed to be where we are and we will all get a prize at the end! On to the next chapter...for good things come to those who wait.
January 27, 2008
Christmas '07
Christmas came and went so fast this year! I definitely think the days are getting shorter...

Or maybe it's that I haven't made time to smell the warm chocolate chip cookies lately(I like chocolate much better than roses) Just enjoying a nice evening by the fire with a cup of hot tea would take up too much time! So, I guess my 2008 resolution will be to make more cookies, and drink more sleepy time tea...maybe even read a book that has nothing to do with nursing? Can't promise, but I can always hope. We hope this year will be slow for you too...although we are almost finished with January!
Papa John's Bowl
Brent took Jared to his first football game...and boy did they get the royal treatment!
Brent was able to get some tickets to the Cincinnati Bearcats bowl game down in Alabama. Brent, Jared and Christian, a friend from work, drove down in 10 hrs for a weekend of fun! Christian is an alumni who was able to hook them up with a great time! When they first got there they were able to go hang out with the band, Bearcat's mascot & cheerleaders, eat dinner and get lots of free stuff! Jared waited for the bus to arrive and the players came off one-by-one and high-fived Jared as they walked by. The morning of the game, Jared got to meet the players and listen to the head coach give a speech. He was so excited! Brent said he was smiling the whole time! He got to play games and they both got their faces painted. Bearcats 31-21 victory over Southern Mississippi!
January 22, 2008
Go Buckeyes!
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