January 22, 2008

Go Buckeyes!

So even though Ohio State didn't win the National Championship this year, Jared still made out with his new official team jersey for his birthday! (Here he is showing off his moves!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Tina and Brent, Eric, Jared, Lucas!
Thanks so much for including us in your communications. We miss you all!

Congratulations, Tina, for pursuing your dreams of becoming a nurse. Great grades! You and Brent and the boys are looking so good and Eric is doing very well, even though he is now a teenager.

Levi just turned 11 on January 3rd and is in 5th grade; Breeana is 16 and a junior at Sonora; Marissa is 14 and a freshman; Mariah is 9 and in the 4th grade at Sierra Vista; and Joe is 7 and is finishing the 2nd grade at Ladera Palma.

We've been a part of a Foursquare church, Downtown Chapel of Brea, for 2 1/2 years. They've recently started a Royal Rangers and Missionettes Program. The boys are doing their cars tonight. Joe is excited about painting his car.

Our former associate pastors, Jeff and Jessica Schulze, recently moved to Marysville, Ohio to be senior pastors at the church there. Is that a town anywhere near you?

We love hearing from you! Love and hugs, Gloria Bent

Glad you are here! Please enjoy!
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