March 25, 2008

Time flies...just 10 weeks to go!

It's amazing how I look back at August and said to myself this will be a long program! But here I am down to just 10 weeks left and can't quite believe it is almost over. Rather sad, actually. With all the hours, pages, exams, papers and time spent in clinicals you would think I might want to be rid of it. But, as I realize my time in school is just mere few weeks from being over, I feel a little like I am losing something. Now that sounds weird, even for me. But, I guess you complain because it's too hard, too much to know or because I am just too tired. But, it's also like when you are reading a great book and you realize you are almost finished with it. Although, you want to know the rest, you don't want it to end. I have had so many great escapades in my story! From speaking Spanish on the OB unit, when no one else could. (Huevos, or is it Ojos?) Getting my first stick of an I.V. holding a man's hand twice my size, Watching a young woman go through advanced radiation treatment to save her breast, Seeing a brain tumor found on MRI, and seeing how Diabetes affects almost every patient I've worked with. These are just a few of the many great people I have come to meet on my short journey so far. Along with all my class mates, of whom some were not so fortunate to make it to the next quarter with us this time, I have had a great time. I would have to admit, some of my time has been rough, especially when my program consists of 95% women. Estrogen blows Testosterone right out of the water! That has been one of my biggest challenges. I am not trying to be number one, but I don't feel that "just passing" is for me. So, I have worked hard to stay above, and have bumped some heads along the way. But, I have also remembered that all of us have sacrificed to be where we are and we will all get a prize at the end! On to the next chapter...for good things come to those who wait.


Anonymous said...


Love your Web page! You have a very handsome family and I feel privileged and blessed to have had the opportunity to get to know you not only as a classmate but as a friend. Like you, I can hardly believe we are now in our final quarter and, with God's continued blessings, we will soon be full-fledge nurses answering our latest calling in life.
I look forward to the coming quarter despite the hard work ahead. I'm spending our spring break brushing up on the endocrine system since that's where we will be picking up in Med-Surg this coming quarter. Hope you and your family are having a great time in the Big Apple. Stay safe and healthy!
Mary Lolli

Gloria Bent said...

Hi, Tina,

I love reading your blogs!

I enjoy hearing about your classes and the success you're acheiving in school. Congratulations on doing such a great job in attaining your career goals! I know that you are going to be a wonderfully knowledgable, caring, and compassionate nurse!

You both look happy and healthy
on your wedding anniversary! May the Lord bless you with many happy, loving years together!

John and I are planning to celebrate our 30th anniversary (July 1st) in Hawaii this year! We are mostly happy and healthy and look forward to laying around on the beach and snorkeling with the fish.

Our kids are doing mostly OK in school, but I am considering pulling them out of public school and doing home school through CHEP (County Home Education Program) which is a public school home school with credentialed teachers and state supplied books and materials. I don't like having to forfeit my "free time", however, California is cutting the education funding by a huge amount. Therefore, class sizes will increase and student productivity in class will probably decline...

We are continuing to slowly remodel our home a little at a time. Last June we had our front porch and flower planters rebuilt and enlarged and enlarged our back yard so that we could fit our RV inside the fence to the left of our house. We also replaced the garage door which had made horrible noises for years when opened or shut.

This year we've done some interior work, changing out a sliding glass door, getting a drape in the dining room, and the next project is painting our huge "office/den", removing the "cottage cheese" ceilings in 5 areas, and repainting walls and doors throughout our house. Sorry to bore you with the details...they just evolved as I was writing...

I am still hoping to have a jacuzzi of some type insalled this year, but we shall see....

Hey, I truly hope that the next time you are in La Habra that you will call us and come over to see us!

We miss your smiling faces and your fun-loving, godly ways. Let's get together and go to the beach or Disneyland or something!

Blessings and hugs to you all,
Gloria Bent

Anonymous said...

Hi Tina, Keep up the good work! We are proud of you. Mom & Rocky

The Richardsons said...
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The Richardsons said...

Tina you are so awesome! I seriously dont know how you have done school and motherhood and been so amazingly successful at both. I hear you are in New York right now on a much-needed vacation. You deserve it! Congrats on almost being done!

Anonymous said...


I viewed the beautiful video you put together for your Dad. It was absolutely the most beautiful video I ever viewed. I knew your Dad through work. He never past a person in the hall without saying hello.

I know what it is to lose a Dad at the age of 56. I too lost my dad when he was 56 and I was 18.

You are blessed as I was to have such a wonderful loving father and loving family. He will always be with you.

My wishes for you and your Mom and family are to always keep a smile on your face and in your heart for the wonderful years you had with Rocky.

I will keep you in my prayers and heart. God Bless you all.

Judy Aten

Glad you are here! Please enjoy!
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